Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Business Card

Made with layer effects and text tool.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Icy Sunset

Once agin Another image from my Photoshop class at college. We were shown how to colourize a grayscale image so this is what i came up with.

I used more then just colourized grayscale to make the image. It was the first time I really started to use all the things I have learned at class, and I think the picture turned out good.


Some more work from college, this time we were supposed to make shapes with the polygonal lasso tool and layer effects.

My first attempt I didn't like, but I thought I would show it anyway.


My first ever Photoshop image I made at college.
We were supposed to play around with the feather tool, so that's pretty much all it is, images feathered together.

Mario Eating Mushroom

Made from pre-coloured Fimo clay.

Mario's hat is removable to show his brain underneath.

I made the brain first and ended up making Mario to put the brain in.

8-Bit Mario & Luigi Thumb Drive

Another Mario sculpture also made from pre-coloured Fimo clay. I saw a video on youtube that took the casing of a thumb drive off and made another case. They challenged people to come up with somthing to make, so I came up with this and I think it turned out really cool.

Luigi is on the other side.

The 8-bit pipe comes off to show the USB port.

The top shows how much memory the thumb drive holds.